Perth and Kinross Countryside Trust (PKCT) is pleased to announce that it is welcoming three new Trustees to its Board in this its 25th anniversary year.

Richard Davison Clare Pennington Denise Reed
Richard Davison Clare Pennington Denise Reed

PKCT is an independent charity that undertakes nature conservation and countryside access projects throughout Perth and Kinross. PKCT negotiates access to land, builds footpaths, helps care for the countryside and undertakes biodiversity projects all to improve and promote access to and enjoyment of the countryside. We manage Perthshire Big Tree Country, the Cateran Trail, the River Tay Way, and Perthshire Nature Connections Partnership; delivers educational work across Perth and Kinross; and works with local communities on outdoor access projects.

The new Trustees are charged with contributing towards the future of the countryside and natural heritage of Perth and Kinross.

The skills and interests of PKCT’s new Trustees range from countryside access, active travel and biodiversity.

Richard Davison worked with the National Access Forum to deliver Scotland’s wide-ranging access rights and wrote the Scottish Outdoor Access Code. He has over 30 years’ experience working in the public sector on outdoor access and other environmental issues across the country and founded Perthshire Treks in 2018 to deliver safe and inspiring guided walking adventures in Highland Perthshire and elsewhere in the Scottish Highlands -

Clare Pennington is Principal Consultant at Urban Foresight with over 15 years’ experience driving communications, engagement and marketing of smart, accessible, sustainable and renewable transport solutions for everyone of all abilities.

Denise Reed is a biodiversity expert, now retired from 37 years at NatureScot. She has previously served on PKCT’s board as the representative from NatureScot (then Scottish Natural Heritage) and has re-joined as a private citizen to help shape and conserve Perth and Kinross's biodiversity.

PKCT’s Chairman of the Board, Stephen Woollard, said of the appointments:

We have such a fantastic array of expertise on our Board, and Robert, Clare and Denise will add even more to our support of the Perth and Kinross countryside and the work the team do.

New faces are a great way to help shape the future direction of the Trust, so we all look forward to having them take us into the New Year with new ideas.