Perth and Kinross Countryside Trust (PKCT) is an independent charity that negotiates access to land, builds paths and works on conservation projects all to improve the countryside for walkers, cyclists and horse riders. We are currently working in partnership with the Auchterarder Community Sports & Recreation group to improve paths in and around Auchterarder.

As part of this project, Provost Walk phase 3 improvements will begin on 13th February and last for about 12 weeks. The route will be upgraded to an all-user, sealed surface, 2.5 metres wide. These new upgrades will connect to the end of phase 2 works beneath the public park.  The new path should re-open mid May.

During this time, contractors will be running machinery along the Provost Walk and the path beside the cemetery to drop off new fencing materials, aggregate and tar, so the path will be closed for public safety and to enable the contractors to complete the project on schedule. Please use alternative routes, along Western Road and through the public park.  Thank you. Bid Strachan, telephone number 01738 475348

Further information and updates can be found on: