Over £260k path improvements in Auchterarder open Nearly £260,000 of path upgrade works to the Provost Walk and Black Road paths in Auchterarder are complete and open for the public to enjoy. The Provost Walk phase 2 project included 568m of new path surface, tree work, ditch cleaning, new culverts, solar stud lighting, signage and a short span bridge. It spanned from the end of phase 1 works beneath Townhead into Coalbore Well and up towards Jubilee Park and included upgrades to the link path to Glenburn Road. Provost Walk phase 2 before and after path improvement works The Black Road path, which runs behind houses on the eastern end of town, also saw 183 m of new path surface, tree and hedge work and repairs to existing steps delivered. Black Road path before after path improvement works Perth & Kinross Countryside Trust (PKCT) Communities Officer Bid Strachan has now project managed over £560,000 of path upgrades in Auchterarder. PKCT Manager Morag Watson said: We’d like to thank everyone for their patience in giving the new paths a month to settle. Usage of the paths just after works are completed could have damaged the new surfaces and invalidate all the hard work and financial cost put into it. Further information and updates can be found on the Auchterarder Core Paths Working Group’s Facebook page at www.facebook.com/auchterarderscorepaths and on PKCT’s website at www.pkct.org. The Provost Walk phase 2 upgrades were funded by Sustrans, the Auchterarder Common Good Fund and Auchterarder & District Community Trust. The Black Road works were funded by the West Perthshire Recreational Facility and Auchterarder Community Sports and Recreation. Manage Cookie Preferences