Auchterarder Path Network leaflet

Auchterarder’s incredible network of paths features seven primary routes that can all now be found in a new leaflet.

The Auchterarder path network offers over 50 miles / 80 km of routes for walkers, cyclists and horse riders to explore and enjoy.

The new leaflet details the main seven routes and other connecting link paths, while also providing insight into ‘The Lang Toon’ of Auchterarder and its surrounding countryside and wildlife.

The leaflet was delivered in collaboration with Perth and Kinross Countryside Trust, PK on the Go and funded by Smarter Choices Smarter Places, with thanks as well to the Auchterarder Core Path Volunteers (ACPV) and Auchterarder Community Sports and Recreation.

Over £1.3 m has been invested to date in upgrading Auchterarder’s paths, most of which are now modern, multi-user routes suitable for walkers, cyclists, wheelchairs, prams and more.

You can also find the leaflet available to download on our Download leaflets page and on ACPV’s Facebook page.

To request hard copies of the leaflet, please get in touch with ACPV on [email protected]

PK on the Go: On the Go is helping residents and visitors to Perth and Kinross save money, time and hassle while they travel. The programme aims to enhance the region’s urban environments be reducing traffic congestion and therefore pollution and helping people be a bit more active.