Conservation & Access Projects Our access projects Bridge of Earn to Newburgh Active Travel Route Phase 2A - Abernethy active travel consultation Project background ©Crown copyright and database rights 2022 Ordnance Survey 100016971. You are permitted to use this data solely to enable you to respond to, or interact with, the organisation that provided you with the data. You are not permitted to copy, sub-licence, distribute or sell any of this data to third parties in any form. Perth and Kinross Countryside Trust is developing a project to improve active travel provision within the A912 and A913 road corridors between Bridge of Earn and Newburgh in Fife. The project aims to create safer, easier, low-carbon community links for walking, cycling and wheeling. PKCT has held community consultation on Phase 2A of this project for the section of the route between Glenfoot and Jamesfield through Abernethy. On this page, you will be able to find a number of drawings of six route options being considered through Abernethy. We thank everyone who gave their comments and feedback on the route options to assist us in establishing the preferred route through the village. Please note: the online survey is now closed. Unfortunately, due to current public health guidelines it is not possible to send paper copies of the drawings. Therefore, please assist others who may want to view the drawings, where you safely can, without unnecessary travel. Clicking on any of the drawings will allow you to view and download the entire set of all the drawings. You can read background information on the full Bridge of Earn to Newburgh Active Travel Route project here. Active travel routes options through Abernethy being considered Download the Bridge of Earn to Newburgh Phase 2: Alignment Options Appraisal In this document, you'll find full details of the the six options appraised through Abernethy, including full details of engineers' considerations, route design principles, route scoring, why certain routes were included / excluded, and much more. Download the Bridge of Earn to Newburgh Active Travel Route Phase 2: Glenfoot to Jamesfield presentation In this presentation, you'll find a summary of the full Bridge of Earn to Newburgh active travel project and the six routes being considered through Abernethy, including how each route scored. Click on the maps below to view and download them as larger PDFs. Manage Cookie Preferences