Latest News Options appraisal for active travel route through Abernethy community consultation launched Improved route options for walking, cycling and wheeling and principles for improved active travel at Abernethy are open for communities to view and feed into. Perth and Kinross Countryside Trust (PKCT) is seeking input on six route options that have been appraised for consideration along with important priorities for the proposed community link through Abernethy based on five active travel route core principles: directness, comfort, safety, attractiveness and coherence. This consultation is happening as part of the wider Bridge of Earn to Newburgh active travel route project within the A912 and A913 road corridors. The section through Abernethy is part of Phase 2: Glenfoot through Abernethy to Jamesfield just over the railway line. By completing the online survey about the route options, the community will be able to assist in establishing the preferred route through Abernethy and north of the railway bridge near Jamesfield. Find maps of the six route options at Abernethy, further project information and an online consultation survey form can be found on our website here. The online survey will close on Monday, 7 June 2021. The new active travel route would allow better and safer community links whilst allowing users to keep active and healthy. Bid Strachan, PKCT’s Communities Officer, said: The provision of safer walking, cycling and wheeling options in and around Abernethy have long since been an ambition of members of the wider community and of PKCT. We welcome everyone’s input into the route options being considered to help us shape the future of this project and make improvements to the infrastructure in the area that will benefit the community and beyond. The work is being funded by Sustrans, whose aim is to ensure that people have access to a network of safe walking, cycling and wheeling routes, and is being delivered by PKCT in partnership with Transport Planning & Engineering and Perth & Kinross Council. For more information about the wider Bridge of Earn to Newburgh active travel route project, please visit or sign up for the project newsletter by emailing [email protected]. Manage Cookie Preferences