Latest Blog Benefits of volunteering outdoors Volunteering is a valuable way for anyone to spend their time, and here at PKCT we are committed to providing good quality opportunities for people of all ages. Whether you have lots of time to share, or just an hour, we hope that soon you’ll be able to get involved with our work and feel the benefits. There are many benefits to volunteering; to a small organisation such as ours it means we are able to achieve so much more, through the work of each person who kindly donates their time. More importantly, volunteering with PKCT is another way for people to experience the countryside – to get outdoors and enjoy it, while learning new skills and making new friends. Spending time outdoors, and socialising with like minded people, can work wonders for our mental health and wellbeing. Some of our engagement tasks will have you working directly with people, and conservation tasks like tree planting will give the chance to get to know fellow volunteers and work as a team. Whatever the task, there is always the chance for a chat over a cup of tea and there are usually biscuits about too! If we are going to improve our area’s biodiversity, and combat the consequences of climate change, each of us needs to take action. Volunteering gives you the chance to do that, while gaining confidence that you are having a real impact. One of our most recent volunteering opportunities is that of Wildlife Watch Leader with our new Perth Wildlife Watch group, a children’s nature club run in partnership with the Scottish Wildlife Trust. The group launched in November 2022 and is currently looking forward to welcoming up to 20 children for the February 2023 session. Perth Wildlife Watch volunteer Sara Smith with children Sara Smith, Wildlife Watch Leader said: Getting young people out into their local environment to appreciate and understand the wildlife on their doorstep is vital, in helping to develop a sense of place and connection to the natural world. Perth Wildlife Watch is a fantastic opportunity to share wildlife knowledge whilst having great fun exploring and discovering at the same time! PKCT is currently looking for a few more volunteers to join the group as Leaders – if it sounds like it’s something you’d like to try, please do get in touch and we would be happy to provide more information. (Email [email protected] for details) Keep an eye on the volunteering page of our website for future opportunities and updates on how you can get involved with PKCT’s work. Perth Wildlife Watch volunteer Sara Smith with children Manage Cookie Preferences