There is always lots of work to do here at PKCT! Volunteering is a great way for individuals and communities to support the charity’s work, and also provides a fantastic learning and social experience for those taking part.  

Volunteer Roles

Being a small team, we often work in partnership with other organisations to provide volunteer experiences. For example, the Scottish Wildlife Trust’s support enables us to work with volunteers at the Wildlife Watch group.

PKCT is currently developing its volunteer policy and opportunities. In doing so, we hope to soon be able to offer more opportunities and at a greater frequency, across our projects and work.  


PKCT has a strong relationship with existing volunteer networks, such as the PKC Paths Groups and we are always happy to link people up with existing opportunities to maximise efforts across the region. If you have an opportunity you would like to share with us and promote, please let us know.

Corporate Volunteering

We are currently developing our corporate volunteering opportunities. If you are an organisation looking for opportunities for your volunteers, we would love to hear from you - please contact our Discovery, Learning and Engagement Officer with your enquiry: [email protected]

As a small charity, we aim to recover our costs for our corporate volunteering days, and will typically ask for a donation of £60 per person.  

Girl recording tree growth